Pakistani woman gives birth to baby with four hands and four legs

KARACHI – A woman in the south-central Sindh region of Pakistan has given birth to a baby with four arms and four legs.

The newborn is suffering from polymelia  – a congenital disorder characterized by the presence of extra legs, and hands. In such cases, additional limbs are typically non-functional.

Reports in local media quoting sources from the health ministry said that the tot is in a good state other than the birth deformity.

The child was born at a private hospital, where surgeons performed surgery to remove the extra limbs. Following the operation, the baby’s condition is said to be stable.

In cases of Polymelia, the impact of the condition on an individual’s life can vary depending on the functionality of the extra limbs.

Sometimes, the extra limbs are fully formed and functional, while in other cases, they are nonfunctional, or poorly developed and may require surgical intervention to avoid complications.

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