Why Was Jacob Zuma dismissed from the ANC?

Jacob Zuma Expelled from ANC Following Misconduct Verdict

In a major development, former South African President Jacob Zuma has been expelled from the African National Congress (ANC) due to misconduct related to his involvement with the uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP). This expulsion marks a significant chapter in Zuma’s long association with the ANC, a party he has been affiliated with since 1958.

The Discipline Committee’s Decision

On January 29, 2024, the ANC’s National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) initiated formal disciplinary proceedings against Jacob Zuma. This decision came after Zuma’s public endorsement of the MKP and his declaration of dissatisfaction with the ANC. Zuma’s comments were made during an MKP meeting on December 16, 2023, where he voiced his intention to support the MKP in the 2024 elections and admitted to assisting in the party’s formation and registration. Explore the disciplinary process of the ANC.

The NDC’s decision to suspend Zuma was based on allegations that he violated ANC rules by collaborating with a party outside the ANC, thereby damaging the party’s reputation. The proceedings were held online, a decision that sparked controversy and debate about transparency and fairness. Read about the ANC’s decision-making process.

The Verdict

Under Rule 25.9 of the ANC constitution, Zuma’s case was reviewed, and the NDC found him guilty of breaching ANC regulations. Rule prohibits members from working with or representing any party that is not part of the ANC. The verdict highlights the ANC’s commitment to upholding its internal regulations and maintaining the integrity of its membership. Learn more about ANC’s rules and regulations.

The disciplinary actions culminated in Zuma’s expulsion from the ANC. Although Zuma’s lawyer, Tony Yengeni, requested a physical hearing, arguing that it would be more transparent, the ANC proceeded with the virtual hearings to meet the six-month deadline for the case. Yengeni’s request was denied, and the proceedings continued as scheduled. Find out about Tony Yengeni’s role in ANC disciplinary matters.

Code of Ethics and Misconduct

Jacob Zuma was found guilty of violating Rule of the ANC’s Code of Ethics, which mandates that members must not engage with or represent external parties. This rule is fundamental in preserving the unity and reputation of the ANC. Zuma’s involvement with the MKP, which included helping to register and endorse the party, was deemed a breach of this rule. Read about the ANC’s Code of Ethics.

The second charge against Zuma, related to his name appearing on the MKP’s list of public officials, was dismissed due to procedural issues in how the case was handled. The ANC emphasized the importance of concluding the case efficiently while ensuring the integrity of the process. Explore more about the ANC’s procedural rules.

Will Jacob Zuma Appeal?

Jacob Zuma has the right to appeal the NDC’s decision within 21 days. The appeal process involves requesting a review from the National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal. This step will determine if Zuma’s expulsion will be upheld or overturned. Find out more about the appeal process.

The outcome of this appeal could have significant implications for Zuma’s political future and his relationship with the ANC. The party’s decision to expel Zuma represents a significant move in its efforts to address internal discipline and uphold its values. Read about previous appeals within the ANC.

Historical Context

Jacob Zuma’s expulsion from the ANC is a pivotal moment in South African political history. Zuma joined the ANC in 1958 and has been a prominent figure in the party’s history. His expulsion is seen as a reflection of ongoing tensions and challenges within the ANC, particularly related to maintaining party unity and discipline. Learn about Jacob Zuma’s political history.

Broader Implications

The expulsion underscores the ANC’s commitment to enforcing its Code of Ethics and maintaining the integrity of its membership. It also highlights the need for robust internal mechanisms to address misconduct and uphold the party’s standards. The decision may influence the party’s approach to handling similar cases in the future. Explore the impact of disciplinary actions on political parties.

The ANC’s focus on internal discipline and adherence to its rules is crucial for preserving its credibility and ensuring that members adhere to the party’s values and standards. The handling of this case demonstrates the party’s resolve to address breaches of its Code of Ethics decisively. Read more about the importance of party discipline.


Jacob Zuma’s expulsion from the ANC marks a significant development in South African politics. The decision reflects the ANC’s commitment to upholding its internal regulations and maintaining the integrity of its membership. As Zuma considers his options for appeal, the political landscape in South Africa will be closely watched for further developments. For more updates on this story and related news, visit www.newsaih.com.

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