Zimbabwe “Gold Mafia” Prophet Uebert starts classes on miracles.

A course on performing miracles will be offered online, according to Zimbabwean preacher Uebert Angel Mudzanire.

He has subsequently urged those who are interested to register as soon as possible, saying that seats are filling up quickly, and the course would cost approximately $1200.

Those who are interested should register through his website, according to the self-proclaimed prophet, who is ranked among the top 20 influential pastors in 2024.

Reactions to the Facebook announcement have been divided; some have compared the course to the biblical tale of Simon the Sorcerer, while others have questioned the need for people to learn how to do miracles.

Although Angel Uebert Mudzanire is no stranger to controversy—including characters in conflict—his plans seem to have no end.

In April 2023, the individual was recently captured on camera during an explosive Al Jazeera investigation dubbed “Gold Mafia.”

In many sessions, Mudzanire was captured on camera interacting with undercover reporters who claimed to be Chinese criminals looking to launder money through the Zimbabwean economy.

In the videos, the self-styled prophet and official representative of the Zimbabwean government were captured on covert cameras during the ‘Gold Mafia’ Al Jazeera investigation.

He gave undercover reporters assurances that they were in good hands because, informally, he is the second most powerful person in Zimbabwe and has the president’s full support to sign agreements on behalf of the country.

He informed them that although he had previously laundered millions of dollars, he had never done billions. Nevertheless, he could use his diplomatic red tape to launder their billions, and the money would be sent straight to his house where no one would ever touch it.

Additionally, he gave them the assurance that purchasing and selling gold from Zimbabwe for money laundering schemes would not present any difficulties at all.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa named Mudzanire as both the Presidential Envoy and the Ambassador-at-Large in March 2021. Shortly after, rumors of Mudzanire’s dual identity surfaced in the media.

Zimbabwean news outlets unearthed his two national identification cards. The first ID card was reportedly created in 1996 at the Zaka registry offices in Masvingo and bears the registration number 83-099297X83.

It was reported that the second card, bearing registration number 29-195587H83, was issued in Gweru, Midlands, one year later. The cards have different numbers, but the date of birth—September 6, 1978—is the same on both.

According to the reports, he obtained a Zimbabwean passport bearing the number ZE 306043 by using the 1997 ID. Nevertheless, the press reports revealed that the date of birth on his Zimbabwe national ID cards and his British passport, number 464932598, which was issued on November 6, 2009, were not the same. His birthdate on the British passport is March 4, 1972.

According to the reports, he applied to change his name from Uebert Mudzanire to Uebert Angel Snr on March 9, 2021, in front of Tichavona Mutebere, a lawyer in Harare. He claimed that his birthdate of September 6, 1978, was consistent with his two Zimbabwean national IDs but not with his British one. It has also come to light that he earned a phony degree.

A list of thousands of names of persons who got phony degrees—ranging from bachelor’s to doctorate—from a diploma mill located in Spokane, Washington State, was released by the US government in 2008. Through Operation Gold Seal, the US Department of Justice released a list of forged degrees obtained from the eventually-closed Saint Regis University.

Uebert Mudzanire’s name appears on the list next to the title BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), however Mudzanire has denied obtaining a phony degree.

On that list were nearly 10,000 individuals who paid the Spokane-based diploma mill $7.3 million to purchase fake and counterfeit high school and college degrees, as well as hundreds of people employed by the US military, government, and education system.

It’s interesting to note that Samson Mudzanire, Angel’s biological brother, was born on April 14, 1972, and his national ID number is 83-066977R83.

According to the sources, there are questions about how his mother, Rose Mudzanire, gave birth to two sons in 1972, 40 days apart.

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