Why Richard Chimwendo Banda’s Apology To The Nation In Parliament Is Hypocritical

Leader of the House, Richard Chimwendo Banda on Wednesday, 3rd April 2024 apologized to the nation for what happened in the August House during its deliberations which saw DPP legislators nearly fighting.

Speaking as Leader of the House, Chimwendo described the behavior of Blantyre City South East legislator Sameer Suleman which led to his suspension for one full sitting, as unfortunate and shameful to the Honorable House.

Reasons for apology


Firstly, Just about everyone has said or done something that hurts another person’s feelings. Sometimes you might hurt someone without meaning to. Or you say or do something unkind and regret it later. When you realize you’ve broken someone’s trust in you or hurt them with your words or actions, it’s a good idea to apologize.


Secondly, There is weight to our actions. If we have the power to hurt, we also have the power to take a step toward healing. And, when we apologize first, we open the door for the other person to meet us in that place of open communication.

Thirdly, It is always better to do important things by meeting them in person. Apologising in person would appear more genuine and you would be able to convey your guilt more propely. Tone of your voice ,your expressions matter while making an apology.

Unfortunately, Richard Chimwendo Banda has hurt the feelings of many Malawians in a number of ways starting from his own MCP upto the opposition but he has never given any apology for all the misconduct.

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