Vandalism of boreholes in Zomba worries firm

A firm which currently repairing some broken boreholes for free in Zomba has expressed worry over increased cases of borehole vandalism in the district.

The project’s Team leader, Abdul Majeed Allie, has disclosed to Malawi24 that out of about 500 boreholes the firm has earmarked to repair in the district, almost 400 of them have had their rods stolen .

A firm which currently repairing some broken boreholes for free in Zomba has expressed worry over increased cases of borehole vandalism in the district.

The project’s Team leader, Abdul Majeed Allie, has disclosed to Malawi24 that out of about 500 boreholes the firm has earmarked to repair in the district, almost 400 of them have had their rods stolen .

He further disclosed that the vandals have even targeted the newly renovated boreholes as six boreholes recently repaired been vandalised.

“The situation is  worrisome to us as a company which has dedicated its time and resources to repair the broken boreholes across the country. Apart from spending a lot of money to replace the stolen boreholes’ spare parts, we are also being delayed from going to other areas to do our work as we are forced to rework on the vandalised boreholes,” said Majeed.

He said the firm has currently intensified efforts to sensitize the communities on establishing some borehole neighbourhood watch committees as well as introducing some security features on the boreholes such as locking bars.

On their part, Area Development Committee (ADC) Chairperson for Zomba Malosa constituency Peter Magwira and Group Village Headman (GVH) Mkwela of the area said the borehole vandalism has greatly compromised access to potable water for most people in the area who are resorting to drawing water from unprotected sources thereby exposing themselves to various waterborne diseases mainly cholera.

Meanwhile,  spokesperson for Zomba Police Station Patricia Sipiliano has urged people in the district to report all the perpetrators of borehole vandalism to the law enforcers .

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Expert Muthi Nhlema has emphasised the need for a holistic approach in curbing vandalism of boreholes such as stamping out all the borehole spare parts on black market.

Currently,  the Pacific Limited borehole  rehabilitation initiative has repaired close to 200 boreholes out of  500 boreholes earmarked to be  repaired in the district while in Nsanje the firm has repaired close to 200 boreholes out over 300 boreholes it has lined up.

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