Tear Gassed Himself : “Kenyan Officer Blows Off Fingers in Mishap During Protests!”

Tear Gassed Himself: A police officer in Kenya suffered a severe injury when he accidentally tear gassed himself during protests in the central business district of Nairobi.

The shocking incident resulted in the officer losing one of his fingers when the tear gas canister exploded in his hand, highlighting the risks faced by law enforcement amid rising tensions.

Videos shared on social media capture the moment of chaos as the officer tear gassed himself, visibly distressed following the explosion. At the time of reporting, details surrounding the incident were still unclear, but it’s evident that the protests have escalated to dangerous levels for both demonstrators and police.

Over 200 Protesters Arrested Amid Unrest

The ongoing protests against proposed tax increases have led to more than 200 arrests. Police have reported that 210 individuals were detained in Nairobi, demonstrating the public’s frustration with the controversial finance bill. Despite the significant number of arrests, civil society groups remain steadfast, declaring that the demonstrations will continue, regardless of the police’s efforts to control the situation.

The events escalated when police were deployed to manage the crowds, leading to instances where officers, including the one who tear gassed himself, were overwhelmed. The chaotic environment prompted fears of looting, forcing many businesses to temporarily shut down as police deployed tear gas canisters in a bid to disperse the crowd.

Lawyer Advocates for Protesters’ Rights

Wanjohi Gachie, a lawyer participating in the protests, voiced his concerns about the planned tax hikes. Gachie stressed that he was protesting for all Kenyans affected by the financial burden. He called on the police, who had already witnessed one officer tear gas himself, to exercise restraint and respect the rights of peaceful demonstrators.

“We are fighting for their rights as well, so I’m asking the police not to beat us or make arrests,” Gachie stated, underscoring the growing tension between protesters and law enforcement.

Government Responds by Dropping Major Tax Proposals

In response to the unrest, President William Ruto held discussions with members of the ruling party, resulting in the removal of some of the most controversial tax proposals from the finance bill. Among the rescinded measures was a plan to impose a 16% value-added tax on bread, a staple food for many.

The decision to amend these provisions has been seen as a positive step amidst the unrest that has led to instances where police officers have inadvertently tear gassed themselves while managing the crowds. The revisions also included scrapping a proposed 2.5% annual motor vehicle tax and modifying an environmental levy that only applies to imports.

Civil Society Demands Release of Arrested Protesters

Rights organizations like Amnesty Kenya are demanding the immediate release of all protesters, emphasizing that many of those arrested were merely observing the demonstrations. The group criticized police actions, particularly after witnessing incidents where officers, including the one who tear gassed himself, used excessive force.

“We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all arrested protesters and observers,” Amnesty Kenya stated, highlighting the need for accountability in policing practices during public unrest.

Ruto Defends Planned Levies

Last month, President Ruto defended the proposed tax increases, arguing that they were essential for Kenya’s financial self-sufficiency. He emphasized the need for the country to enhance its revenue base, asserting, “The fundamental idea is that you have to live within your means.” This statement came even as tensions escalated, resulting in incidents where police officers, including one who tear gassed himself, were put at risk during protests.

Opposition Leaders Vow to Continue Protests

Opposition leader Kalonzo Musyoka has vowed that protests will persist if the finance bill is passed without addressing public concerns. Musyoka’s determination reflects the sentiment among many Kenyans who believe that the government should be more responsive to their needs, especially after witnessing alarming incidents like when a police officer tear gassed himself during the chaotic protests.

Lawmakers to Debate Finance Bill

As lawmakers prepare to debate the finance bill, which is set to begin discussions on Wednesday, the potential implications of the legislation are significant. The bill’s passage could lead to further unrest, as it is already associated with incidents where police officers have faced challenges, including cases where some have accidentally tear gassed themselves while trying to control crowds.


The protests in Nairobi are a reflection of widespread discontent over proposed tax increases and economic challenges faced by many Kenyans. The incident where a police officer tear gassed himself serves as a sobering reminder of the volatile situation. While the government has made some concessions by removing contentious tax proposals, the future remains uncertain as protests are expected to continue.

The outcome of the ongoing debates and the final vote on the finance bill will be critical in determining Kenya’s economic landscape. Whether the government can balance the need for increased revenue with the demands of its citizens remains to be seen, especially in light of the unrest that has seen officers, like the one who tear gassed himself, exposed to dangerous situations.



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