Conjoined twins, are back in the news after rumours of a wedding.

Experts claim the unwarranted fixation with conjoined twins Brittany and Abigail Hensel’s personal life has gone too far. The internet is buzzing about the Hensel twins once again.

The 34-year-old twins, who gained notoriety in a number of TV shows, such as “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in 1996 and the series “Abby & Brittany” in 2012, have only returned to the public eye following a secret wedding in 2021.

The increased interest in the Hensel twins’ private life, according to experts in media studies and disability studies, reveals a lot about how people view and interact with people who have atypical bodies.

The Hensel twins, like everyone else, should really be allowed to have normal lives without causing controversy every time they do.

Elizabeth Ellcessor, an associate professor of media studies at the University of Virginia and the author of “Restricted Access: Media, Disability, and the Politics of Participation,” says, “We see something where this is unusual, this is exciting, this is a little out of the ordinary, and it’s not something that many people are equipped to talk about very well.”

“And so we see a lot of social media attention and other coverage that is focusing on this as being particularly remarkable, when people in their thirties get married all the time.”

Why is Abby Hensel’s wedding attracting so much attention?

Hensel twins curiosity is understandable on the one hand, according to historian and bioethicist Alice Dreger, author of “One of Us: Conjoined Twins and the Future of Normal.”

Conjoined twins are uncommon, and individuals with extraordinary lives frequently captivate people.

Conjoined twins have always captivated people because they unavoidably challenge the way we perceive individuality, according to Dreger.

“We normally think of individuality as being about one person existing in one expansive skin, and, for conjoined twins like Abigail and Brittany, they are are obviously two people in one expansive skin.”

For example, outside of their television appearances, the Hensel twins have maintained a relatively modest public profile, creating the impression that they aren’t interested in sharing every aspect of their lives with the world.

Experts and advocates for people with disabilities beg you to refrain from using the term “special needs.”

Because it frequently results from “prurient sexual interest,” Ellcessor explains, fascination with the love connections of the Hensel twins is particularly inappropriate. The Hensels’ apparent lack of interest in responding to any of the comments to Abigail’s wedding is probably due to this.

Ellcessor continues, “They show no desire to respond to further inquiries.” “This is not anyone else’s business.”

Dating has special difficulties for the disabled community.

In what way should we discuss Abby and Brittany Hensel?

Ellcessor asserts that it is imperative that any conversation regarding the Hensels’ personal life occur on their terms, not anybody else’s, and that the twins be given the authority to decide what constitutes appropriate speculation and what does not.

“The best advice is to prioritize their voices and their wishes,” she continues. What are they wishing to exchange? What knowledge do they wish to impart to us?

Treating people with odd bodies as human beings instead than as abnormalities is another crucial reminder.

Furthermore, it’s critical to honor their decision if they choose not to share details about their lives.

“The experience of having a body that’s different depends on the culture that’s around you,” adds Dreger. “It has been a blessing for Abigail and Brittany to reside in a little community that is kind and welcoming. Indeed, historically speaking, I believe that the majority of conjoined twins have opted to reside in small towns precisely because they may lead tranquil lives free from ongoing meddling.

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