Businessman Robbed, Burned, and Buried in Malawi: Suspect Arrested.

Businessman Robbed: A chilling incident has unfolded in Malawi, where a businessman was robbed, burned, and buried in Mzimba District.

The case, which has shocked the local community, involved the disappearance of John Kaminyowe, who was later found murdered, his body severely burned and buried by the suspect. The police have since arrested a man in connection with the crime, recovering stolen items and a prohibited weapon from his home.

Disappearance of Businessman

Businessman Robbed, the case began when businessman John Kaminyowe went missing on September 6, 2024. John had left Kapando Trading Center, Karonga, to meet his associate, Justine Hlema, in Sastoni Ngulube Village, Mzimba District. However, the businessman never returned home, prompting his family to report his disappearance.

His brother, Happy Kaminyowe, was distraught and reported the incident to the Mpherembe Police on September 19, 2024.

Remains of Businessman Discovered

usinessman Robbed, Burned, and Buried in Malawi: Suspect Arrested.
businessmen Robbed, Burned, and Buried in Malawi: Suspect Arrested.

In a disturbing turn of events, on September 18, 2024, during a search for the missing businessman, local resident Muyira Munkhowo discovered human remains while searching for his goats. He quickly alerted John’s brother, Happy, who immediately recognized some clothing items as belonging to his missing sibling. Authorities were contacted, and police found that the businessman had been robbed, burned, and buried, with his remains severely charred.

Suspect Confesses to Robbery and Murder

The police investigation led them to the home of Justine Hlema, who was arrested the same day. Upon interrogation, Hlema admitted that he had robbed, burned, and buried the businessman. His motive was financial, as he stole 10 million kwacha from the victim. To cover up the crime, he set fire to the body and buried it.

Businessman’s Stolen Property Recovered

Businessman Robbed: During the search of the suspect’s home, police discovered several items belonging to the murdered businessman, including a pair of shoes, empty sacks, and burnt money. The suspect also had in his possession the businessman’s Redmi smartphone and King-Lion motorcycle, further linking him to the crime.

A pistol-like weapon was also found in the suspect’s house, though authorities are still determining whether it was legally obtained.

Justice for Robbed, Burned, and Buried Businessman

The brutal murder of the businessman who was robbed, burned, and buried has left the community reeling. The discovery of a prohibited weapon in the suspect’s possession has raised concerns about illegal firearms circulating in Malawi. The case is now moving through the legal system, and the suspect will face charges of robbery, murder, and illegal possession of a firearm.

Community Shocked by Businessman’s Murder

The news that a businessman was robbed, burned, and buried has struck fear into the hearts of many in the region. Robbery and murder are not uncommon in some parts of Malawi, but the involvement of illegal weapons in this case has highlighted the increasing dangers that entrepreneurs and citizens face. The authorities are now taking steps to prevent future incidents, including stricter enforcement against illegal firearms.


This tragic case of a businessman robbed, burned, and buried in Malawi underscores the urgent need for better security measures, both for businesses and for citizens. The involvement of prohibited weapons in violent crimes remains a significant challenge for law enforcement. As the investigation unfolds and the case proceeds to court, the family of the victim and the local community will be seeking justice for the life lost in this brutal robbery and murder. Stay informed as the case continues to develop.

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