The Future of Akon City in Senegal: A Vision in Jeopardy

Akon City: the renowned Senegalese-American musician envisioned creating a futuristic city in Senegal that would boost the local economy, create jobs, and offer a sanctuary for African Americans reconnecting with their roots.

However, four years after the project was announced, the ambitious plans for Akon City remain largely unfulfilled. With the Senegalese government now threatening to reclaim the land, the city’s future hangs in the balance.

Senegal’s Ultimatum to Akon

In 2020, the Senegalese government granted Akon a 136-acre parcel of land in Mbodiene, about 120 kilometers southeast of Dakar, the country’s capital. The land was intended for the development of Akon City, a multi-billion-dollar project that was expected to include hospitals, a university, a shopping mall, an entertainment park, and more. However, with little progress made, the government has issued an ultimatum: if construction doesn’t start soon, 90% of the land will be reclaimed by the state.

This ultimatum has sparked a debate among locals and on social media, with opinions divided on whether Akon should be given more time or whether the land should be reclaimed and developed by the government.

Akon’s Grand Vision for a Futuristic City

Akon’s vision for the city was nothing short of spectacular. The project, with an estimated cost of $6 billion for the first phase, was expected to be completed by 2023. However, delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the completion date to 2025, with the entire city expected to be finished by 2030. Despite these delays, the project has yet to make significant progress, leaving many questioning whether the city will ever become a reality.

Akon’s plans for the city included modern amenities and a focus on sustainability. The city was to be powered by a solar power plant and designed to attract African Americans looking to reconnect with their heritage.

A Stalled Project: The Reality on the Ground

Despite the grand plans, the reality on the ground in Mbodiene is starkly different. The land allocated for Akon City remains largely undeveloped, with only a single concrete block marking the project’s foundation. Livestock now grazes on the land where the futuristic city was supposed to rise, a far cry from the bustling urban center that was envisioned.

This lack of progress has led to growing frustration among locals, some of whom have lost hope that the project will ever come to fruition. While Akon has repeatedly assured that the project is still moving forward, the lack of visible development has led to increasing skepticism.

Social Media Reactions: Supporters vs. Critics

The stalled progress of Akon City has ignited strong reactions online. Some commentators have criticized Akon, arguing that he lacks the financial resources to fund such a massive project and that the government should reclaim the land and use it for development. One TikTok user, Ynsson, expressed this sentiment, saying, “Akon does not have that amount of money to fund such a huge project. Don’t allow anyone to deceive you. The government should reposes the land and develop it.”

On the other hand, some supporters believe that Akon should be given more time to realize his vision. Nelly Viano, another social media user, argued that the project should not be rushed, stating, “Give the man time. How old is Africa again that you all are expecting one man to perform miracles? It takes time to achieve these things.”

Victor_official also voiced support for Akon, emphasizing the need for unity and belief in African-led projects. “These are some of the reasons why Africa is still behind; we don’t believe and support ourselves. Even Burj Khalifa is built by the Dubian government and international investors. Give Akon a chance,” he wrote.

Financial and Investment Challenges

One of the key challenges facing Akon City is the difficulty in securing the necessary funding. While Akon initially banked on investors to pool resources for the project, many of these “investment pledges” have not been honored, leaving the project in a state of uncertainty. Akon’s team has indicated that efforts are ongoing to clear and map out the land for planned construction, but without sufficient funding, progress has been slow.

Akon’s personal wealth, estimated to be between $40 million and $80 million, has also been a topic of discussion. Critics argue that Akon’s net worth is not sufficient to fund a project of this magnitude, raising questions about the viability of Akon City.

The Situation in Uganda: A Similar Story

The uncertainty surrounding Akon City in Senegal is mirrored in Uganda, where Akon was offered 640 acres of land to build a similar city. After meeting with President Yoweri Museveni in April 2021, Akon announced plans to develop another $6 billion city in Uganda. However, just like in Senegal, construction has yet to begin, and the project is facing opposition from local residents.

In Mukono town, where the project is planned, residents have rejected the government’s decision to offer land to Akon, arguing that it is their ancestral property. The delay in starting construction has led to further scepticism about whether this project will materialize.

What’s Next for Akon City?

As the Senegalese government’s deadline approaches, the future of Akon City remains uncertain. While Akon has vowed to push forward with the project, the lack of tangible progress and the challenges in securing investment make it difficult to predict whether the city will ever be built.

In a 2023 interview with the BBC, Akon stated that his project in Senegal was “100,000% moving” and that his critics would eventually be proven wrong. However, for many in Mbodiene and beyond, the lack of visible progress tells a different story.


The fate of Akon City in Senegal is a reminder of the challenges involved in turning ambitious visions into reality. While Akon’s dream of creating a modern, sustainable city in Africa is inspiring, the project’s success will depend on overcoming significant financial, logistical, and social hurdles.

As the world watches to see whether Akon can fulfil his promise, the situation underscores the importance of realistic planning, adequate funding, and community support in making large-scale development projects successful.

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