9 individuals, including 7 police officers and a priest have been killed in Dagestan Region, Russia.

Gunmen assault in Dagestan

Three Russian locales witness coordinated attacks by gunmen.
police officers, a priest slain in the incident, and twelve other injured
There were shootings at two churches, a synagogue, and a police station.

According to reports, Russian authorities began looking into the strikes for terrorism.

Derbent, which is home to an old Jewish population in the mostly Muslim North Caucasus region, is where the synagogue and church are situated. The police post attack happened about 125 kilometers away in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan.

The Russian interior ministry reported that “unidentified people fired at a synagogue and a church with automatic weapons.”

Among those slain at the Derbent Orthodox church was the priest.

“The evidence we have got indicates that Father Nikolay was slain at the Derbent church; his throat was cut. CNN reported that Shamil Khadulaev, the chairman of the Dagestan Public Monitoring Commission, stated, “He was 66 years old and very ill.”

synagogue on fire

Following the attack, the synagogue, which is housed in a historic Jewish settlement in the South Caucasus and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was in flames.
In reaction to the incident, the Israel Foreign Ministry released a statement claiming that gunfire had been heard at a second synagogue in Makhachkala and that the Derbent synagogue had been completely destroyed by fire. It also stated that at the time, it was thought that there were no worshipers in the synagogue.


The suspects attempted to flee in their car after the attack. Reuters news agency noted that Dagestan’s interior ministry claimed that four gunmen had also been shot and killed over the course of the event.

Of the twelve injured, most are members of the police force.
The leader of Dagestan, Sergey Melikov, claimed in an online statement that “unknown persons made attempts to destabilize the social situation.” Police officers from Daghazstan obstructed their path. Preliminary reports indicate that victims are among them.
The main administrative town of Dagestan, Makhachkala, was the scene of street battles, according to Russian agencies. In the 2000s, an Islamist insurgency that originated in neighboring Chechnya spread to Dagestan. Aggressive actions were initiated by the Russian security forces to counter militants in the area.

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