“iPhone Daddy,” a Malawian TikTok influencer, detained for defrauding K5 million

Authorities in Lilongwe’s Area 3 have taken into custody well-known TikTok content producer iPhone Daddy for allegedly defrauding individuals of K5 million while claiming to be able to provide them with iPhone 13 devices, as well as for allegedly abusing automobiles he rented out for his social media endeavors.

Innocent Sengimana aka “iPhone Daddy,”

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, iPhone Daddy—real name: Innocent Sengimana—was taken into custody at the city’s Airwing site. He is 23 years old.

‘Innocentjumajayi’, the name of the suspect’s TikTok page, is alleged to have received the money as upfront payments from his followers.

Additionally, he is suspected of stealing two iPhones from a specific client that are worth K3.5 million to sell on his behalf, then making off with the money.

Utilized The Cars As Collateral

According to reports, the suspect also neglected to pay the payments associated with the cars he rented for his social media company.

Additionally, he utilized the cars as collateral to his debts rather than giving them back to their owners when the prearranged period of time expired. The autos were later found by the police.

After a protracted cat and mouse chase after his escape from the police, the suspect had to be rescued by police on the day of his arrest from enraged community members who bayed for his blood. The culprit had been on the run for several days when news of his capture blew on him.

Charges of Stealing

He is anticipated to answer to charges of stealing in court shortly.

The suspect is a national of Rwanda who was born in Malawi.


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